Senior Seminar, Week 3, 1 Feb 2013

Hall's Marriage Theorem didn't work out as expected...

Last week we had raucous fun while eating pizza. (The definition of "fun" is fluid.)

This week we continue with the same main topics, in the following order:

Ben Schonfarber: The Lebesgue integral. This will be an introduction to the topic.

Regan Horn: Some abstract algebra and/or number theory arising from first glimpses of the RSA Algorithm.

Aaron Smith: The Book Stacking Problem. We'll see how the harmonic series arises.

Michael Treadwell:  Marriage Problems. (These begin with simpler problems at the level of high school dances, in many senses.) The main objective is Hall's Marriage Theorem -- examples will inform the proof and the notation used to get there.

See you Friday at 2:00 in BH 442.