The basics of parallel paths and an example

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A silly parameterized curve:




I want to widen the path. I suppose I could use thicker lines...




... but that' not so great --- look at the bumps where the curvature is highest. The graph consists of a union of fat line segments, so we could simply increase the number of segments. But what if I want to do something more exotic, like have different colored lines running along the edges of this new "road"?

I'll use tangents and normals to find "parallel paths" at a given distance, neglecting the questions of differentiabilty:

I could use a function for making unit vectors...


and a function for making tangent vectors, and normals vectors. (I'll use the "trick" for making normals from tangents.)


After that it's easy to make a parallel path.




Ah, that's what I wanted. (The original curve is the black one in the middle.)

Here's the same path, but with the normals shown.

Converted by Mathematica      November 7, 2001