The conference was called the

" Conference: Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis"

and was joint with

"The mid-term meeting and 4th Plenary Conference of the EC network:

It was hosted in Levico Terme (Trento) Italy, February 20-26, 2005

Levico Terme is a small and beautiful town in the Alps and the closest
relative large city is Trento. For this reason, Trento appears in the

There were many talks and among the most famous speakers were Professors:
Luigi Accardi, Takeyuki Hida, Robin Hudson, and Kalyanapuram
Parthasarathy. It was celebration of Quantum Probability and Infinite
Dimensional Analysis, two young fields of mathematics that have been 
flourishing in recent years.  

Tuesday afternoon, there were no talks and we visited Verona, 
where we saw, among other things, the statue of Dante Alighieri, 
who composed the third volume (The Paradise) of his masterpiece, 
the Divine Comedy, in Verona. The Divine Comedy is considered the most 
important work of the Italian literature. We also saw the balcony of 
Romeo and Juliet. Finally we saw a Roman amphitheater, which is the third 
biggest Roman amphitheater in Italy, and in which, because of its excellent
acoustics (due to its elliptical shape), many concerts are performed there
during the summer.   

My talk was on Friday, February 25, 2005, from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M.

The talk was called:

``Moments and commutators of probability measures".

It was a joint work with Professors Luigi Accardi from 
Vito Volterra Center, Rome, Italy, and Hui-Hsiung Kuo, 
from LSU (Baton Rouge).  

I was the only mathematician representing a university from  
the United States. There were mathematicians from Italy, Japan, Korea,
Poland, Germany, England, France, Tunisia, Spain, Mexico, Austria, and

For me the conference was a great success and I was honored to be invited.

Aurel Stan