Dr. Aurel Stan

Office Phone: (318)797-5321

Present: Assistant Professor LSUS.

2001-2004: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, in Rochester, NY.

1999-2001: Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, in Evanston, IL.

August 1999 Ph.D. in Math., LSU. Ph.D. dissertation title: ``On Harmonic Analysis for White Noise Distribution Theory".
Ph.D. adviser: Nicholson Professor Hui-Hsiung Kuo.

December 1996 Master of Science, LSU

1993-1994: Preparator la Catedra de Analiza Matematica, Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania

June 1993: Diploma in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania.

I am married, my wife, Gabriela Popa, is a postdoctoral at the University of Notre Dame, Department of Physics. We have a daughter, Anda Maria, born in Rochester, on June 24, 2002.


All the publications from below are refereed papers.

(1) ``An infinite dimensional Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle", together with Y.J. Lee, in the Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Volume 3, Number 4, December 1999, pp. 529-538.

(2) ``Paley-Wiener Theorem for White Noise Analysis", Journal of Functional Analysis 173, 2000, pp. 308-327.

(3) ``A Hausdorff-Young Inequality for White Noise Analysis'', together with Hui-Hsiung Kuo, Louisiana State University, and Kimiaki Saitô, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan, Quantum Information IV, Eds. T. Hida and K. Saitô, 2002, pp. 115-126.

(4) ``A New Heisenberg Inequality for White Noise Analysis'', Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 317, in honor of Professor Leonard Gross, Eds. H.-H. Kuo and A. Sengupta, 2003, pp. 215-224.

(5) ``A Hölder inequality for holomorphic functions'', Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, http://jipam.vu.edu.au/v4n4/index.html (electronic journal), 2003.

(6) ``An extension of the Clark-Ocone formula'' together with Said Ngobi, Alabama State University, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 28, 2004, pp. 1463-1476.

(7) ``Characterization of Probability Measures through the cannonically associated Fock Spaces'' together with Luigi Accardi, Centro Vito Volterra, and Hui-Hsiung Kuo, Louisiana State University, accepted for publication in the Journal of Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability, and Related Topics.

(8) ``A Heisenberg Inequality for Stochastic Integrals'' together with Carl Mueller, University of Rochester, accepted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Probability.

(9) ``On Heisenberg Inequality'' accepted for publication, in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.

(10) ``A Stochastic Heisenberg Inequality'' together with Carl Mueller, University of Rochester, accepted for publication as a proceeding in Quantum Information and Complexity, Ed. T. Hida.

Awarded Grant:

I am the Co-PI with Professor Carl Mueller, for the grant (which was awarded to us) ``Stochastic P.D.E. with a linear potential''.