All the cube nets a'flappin. See allCubesFlapping.html for some explanation. Below are two megaflappers based on the 11-cube-net supertile found by Livio with an assist from Edo in the PUZZLE FUN Facebook group. This supertile's special feature is that it fits within a 12x7 rectangle, so it is relatively compact in comparison to what would be the ideal 11x6 possibility, which turns out to be an impossibility.

What I sought in this first example was to enhance an optical illusion created by using a certain viewpoint of the figure, resulting in what appear to be staircases made of cubes (or hexagons if you try to ignore your depth perception).

After trying a while to find nice arrangements of the cube bases that didn't lead to mutual lacerations (flapping cubes intersecting each other as they opened (*)) and trying to keep the number of frames to a reasonable number, I decided to forego the "uniform simultaneous blooming" of the individual cubes (as seen above; don't look too carefully if you do not like the sight of blood), in order to allow folding that started with the most distant faces from each cube. That way, the folding happens in a rectilinear way and self-intersections are impossible, no matter what arrangement of bases is chosen, since each cube folds within the airspace of its net. So it is perfect for lazy programmers. (And it is amusing to watch, even if it is not as pretty as a uniform bloomer. Obviously, there are many possible variations and surely some are more elegant or interesting than this one, which was done in a minimalistic fashion.)

The genesis of this is here.

(*) Earlier I had called these "self-lacerations", but that is not apt, since cube nets do not self-intersect when uniformly bloomed. That is, the interiors of the faces of single cubes do not intersect when the angles between adjacent faces change at the same rate. (Don't ask for a proof of that.) On the other hand, there are nets of the dodecahedron that do indeed self-lacerate. I facetiously called these "self-duel" in some talks on the subject.