Bossier Arts Council's
East Bank Gallery
MATH meets ART
Dr. Judith Covington attended the International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics in March in San Antonio, Texas. While there she gave the presentation "Using MOODLE to Enhance Writing in a Course for Future Elementary Teachers." In April she was appointed to serve on the editorial panel of
Mathematics Teacher, a publication of the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. As a member of this panel she is responsible for making decisions about the content of the journal. In July she attended the 11th Annual Legacy of R. L. Moore Conference held in Austin, Texas. As co-associate director of Project NExT she helped run the workshop for the new fellows in Madison, Wisconsin on July 27 to 30 where she made a presentation to the new PhDs on "Joining the Mathematics Community." She also attended the subsequent summer meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Mathfest from July 30 to August 2. During Mathfest, Judith was elected as a governor-at -large representing teacher education. Her term will begin in January 2009 and she will serve for three years. She has also been appointed to serve on the MAA-NCTM Committee on Mutual Concerns.
Curtis Wesley joins LSUS.
Dr. Wesley joins the department as of August 2008, having recently received his Ph.D. from
Texas Tech. He works in applied mathematics, specializing in models of the spread of infectious disease. Dr. Wesley is a native of Shreveport and graduated from Captain Shreve High School. Welcome home, Curtis!
Zsolt Lengvarszky arrives at LSUS.
The LSUS Department of Mathematics is delighted to announce that Dr. Lengvarszky, formerly at
Claflin University, has joined the department as of June 2008. He began teaching Calculus II immediately upon arrival — he had arrived in town only the day before the summer semester started. Welcome aboard, Zsolt!
Elliot Stonecipher speaks at LSUS:
"Predicting the Outcome of Elections using Actuarial Science"
BH 442 (Bronson Hall), Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 12:00-1:00pm.
here for more info.
Jared Vicory
is the LSUS "Outstanding Math Student" for 2007-08! He received his award at the Academic Awards Convocation, April 11, 2008.
Congratulations, Jared!
Professor Roger B. Nelsen visits LSUS!(March 29, 2008)
HERE for an abstract of Professor Nelsen's talk.
COS Dean, Dr. Paul Sisson, receives
Chancellor's Distinguished Service Award
COS Student Research Symposium, April 25, 2008
We hope you did not miss
Jim Roberts Week at LSUS!
(March 9-13,2008)
Carlos Spaht named U.S. Professor of the Year
Dr. Tibor Szarvas joins the LSUS Department of Mathematics as
professor and chair.
Dr. Szarvas is a native of Hungary with a doctorate
from the University of South Carolina (1997) and comes to LSUS after
heading the mathematics department at San Diego Christian College for
the last ten years.
Dr. Szarvas arrives in Shreveport with his three young sons and his
wife, Dr.
Anita Szombathelyi, who has a doctorate in secondary math
education (also from USC) and is presently serving as an adjunct
lecturer in the math department.
Congratulations go to
Dr. Debbie Shepherd, who was awarded tenure and
promoted to Associate Professor in 2007. The LSUS Department of
Mathematics deeply thanks Dr. Shepherd for also serving as department
chair for the last two years. She is relieved in this duty by Dr.
Szarvas (and is she ever relieved). Dr. Shepherd continues to admister the
BORSF grant, "Enhancement of the Undergraduate Actuarial Science
Concentration at LSUS" (now in its third year).
Mr. Keith Neu, who has been an instructor in the department for the
last few years, has accepted a position at Angelina College in nearby
Lufkin, TX. Keith is a graduate of LSUS and received a Masters degree in
mathematics at the University of Kentucky. We wish him all the best.
LSUS receives $68,000 HP Technology Grant for Teaching. The grant
allows for the fitting of a classroom with HP wireless Tablet PCs to
enhance learning in engineering, math, science, or computer science.
Tablet computers obtained through this grant will be used at LSUS in the
design or redesign of courses in both math and physics. A new math
class entitled "Wavelets, Mathematical Art, and Complex Numbers" is
being taught by Dr. Paul Sisson (Professor of Mathematics and Dean of
the LSUS College of Sciences) using tablet technology to integrate the
guidance, creation, and display of student artwork. For more, see the
press release.
Ms. Wanda Moseley, LSUS Instructor of Mathematics, has been elected
the 2007 - 2008 State President for Kappa Kappa Iota, a national
education organization.